The university-level of National University Debating Championship (NUDC) 2022 held by Jenderal Soedirman University in 2022, Monday-Tuesday (30-31 May 2022). The activity took place in the 1st Floor of the Unsoed Rectorate and International Building Faculty of Economics and Business.
NUDC is a program of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This activity is one way to find talented students in the field of language and prepare graduates who are able to make decisions based on logical and factual analysis.
The Faculty of Agriculture sent 2 delegates as debaters and 1 as N1-Adjudicator. The debaters are Hayfa Khairunnisa Azzahra from Food Technology and Abet Briandika Purba from Agrotechnology. The delegate of N1-Adjudicator is Tia Widiani from Food Technology. As a result, the NUDC team from the Agriculture Faculty made it to the Grand Final after three preliminary rounds and semi-final round against other faculties in UNSOED